Project Details

Project - Lostock Sustainable Energy Plant

Sector - Health

Technology - Commercial

Company - SES Engineering Services

Project Overview

Investment in renewable energy as a low carbon energy source is imperative to our sustainable future. For this reason, TATA Chemicals Europe (TATA) and Lostock Sustainable Energy Plant (LSEP) embarked on an all-encompassing infrastructure upgrade costing £480 million. This would support its existing process plant and facilitate the integration of a new Energy from Waste (EfW) plant that would provide renewable energy via a low carbon source to over 125,000 homes within the Greater Manchester area. Once operational, LSEP will recover energy safely and cleanly, diverting 600,000 tonnes of residual waste from landfill, producing renewable energy constantly. It was collectively determined that the only way to achieve this upgrade safely and within the timescales available, was to ensure everything was constructed offsite with minimal works on-site. A key aspect of the decision to construct everything offsite was largely driven by the fact that the live process plant was in 24/7 operation: downtime for construction works was not an option. As with any process plant, the quality of the finished product must be exemplar, which further reinforced the offsite solution as this ensured the product was signed off entirely before shipment.