Premier Modular - Hinkley Point C

Project Details

Project - Hinkley Point C
Sector - Commercial
Company - Premier Modular
Technology - Volumetric

Project Overview

Modular construction reduces programme time, ensuring cost certainty. The construction of the new HPC nuclear power plant is the first in a new generation of UK nuclear power stations and as such is a critical development for the UK as a whole, one that will be the focus of attention across the world, thus making it imperative that strict timescales are adhered to in the build up to its construction. Since Premier's appointment as a preferred bidder for this contract back in July 2015 Premier has worked closely with EDF Energy to ensure that delivery of the complex could proceed as soon as the Final Investment Decision was made, involving a detailed design process through all the RIBA stages so work could start on manufacturing modules as soon as go ahead was received. The FID was finally fully granted in October 2016. The complex will deliver offices + site welfare facilities to house all management and technical personnel required during the construction phase of the new nuclear power station. Part of the buildings will be then be converted after the construction cycle to high quality offices for the permanent site. Handover of the final building is scheduled for February 2018.

A project of this size does not come without its challenges. To avoid the scale of this project affecting existing clients' work going through the factory, Premier decided to use the 5th factory on our site as a dedicated Hinkley resource and introduced night shifts in some areas to avoid bottle necks.

Resourcing a project of this size on top of our usual Business has been a significant task and given a huge boost to our local economy and that local to the Hinkley site, including various apprenticeship opportunities. The health, safety and security governance on site is justifiably onerous due to nature of the site. All onsite employees must undergo the Triple Bar training + test prior to Site Induction; many of our employees soared through with 100% pass rate.

The final on site challenge has been the open exposed coastal location of the site, combined with the fact a 500 tonne crane is required due to the size of the building + modules and winding off becomes a real problem. Module delivery started in November, since when about 40% of days had unfavourable conditions for lifting, about 10x higher than average.

Challenges are there to be overcome and Premier is proud to be part of such a prestigious and significant project. A project that will really put modular construction on the map. We foresee that this project is not only important for Premier, but also of significant benefit to the local economies in Yorkshire and Somerset with both sub-contractor and supplier opportunities on offer to support this major construction project.