The report claims that current Brexit uncertainty has led to projects being delayed, which Arcadis claims will affect contractors when converting their pipeline into turnover. It suggests that contractors, especially in the second and third tiers, may need to bid for more work to ensure they have a strong pipeline.
The consultancy also addressed issues relating to the skills shortage. The report claims that 41 per cent of the workforce is self-employed, an increase of 11 per cent over the past two decades, which has given contractors less incentive to train their onsite workforce.
According to the firm, technical changes to the industry's skills certification system affecting 60,000 workers has led to an assumption that "many of these workers who are approaching retirement will either not bother to retrain or will enter the 'informal sector'".
This, Arcadis suggests, will see workers undertake informal agreements with contractors rather than retrain for the updated CSCS cards.